Three Cone Drill

Three Cone Drill

A fresh drill for your goalkeepers The Three Cone Drill is a great foundation drill to expand and alter to accommodate your goalkeeper’s needs. Do you have more advanced goalkeepers? Up the pace and vary your shots to challenge them to think quickly and make...
This is the Drill That Never Ends

This is the Drill That Never Ends

This is the drill that never ends… Yes it goes on and on my friends. Some people started playing it, not knowing what it was, and they’ll continue playing it forever just because… OK, we’ll stop. This week’s drill, The Drill That Never...
Three Station Shooting

Three Station Shooting

Let’s  score  some  goals  This drill’s got it all: goal-scoring positions, a variety of shots, leading, dogleg passes…the list goes on. Three-Station Shooting will help your team implement all of the attacking principles you’ve been talking...
Capture the Flag Redeux

Capture the Flag Redeux

Capture the Flag Redeux We’re midway through the season and it’s time to inject some fun into your warm-up routine — NFHCA Drill of the Week to the rescue! This quick warm-up game is sure to become your team’s new favorite. Put those field hockey...
Three Station Shooting

Rapid Fire Shooting

Not your mother’s rapid fire shooting! This week’s drill, Rapid Fire Shooting, is a modern-take on an old favorite. We’re still peppering the goalkeeper with a lot of shots, but we’re adding some dimension and variety! This shooting drill will...