Pink Day Drill

Pink Day Drill

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so why shouldn’t our drills be a part of the event? This week’s drill evokes the breast cancer ribbon while providing an opportunity for players to work on their on-the-ball attacking skills AND adheres to...
Target/Vision Player Drill

Target/Vision Player Drill

Submitted by Carly Zinn, Dickinson College We get a lot of questions about how coaches develop drills and Carly Zinn’s drill submission does an amazing job of illustrating the drill-making process. She recognized a consistent breakdown when doing film analysis,...
Spider Defense

Spider Defense

Submitted by Kelsi Lykens, University of New Haven In the COVID-19 era, coaches are having to get creative — dreaming up drills that help their players develop, while keeping them safe and distanced. Kelsi has put together a drill progression that introduces and...
Pink Day Drill

Circle Up!

Submitted by the Ithaca College coaching staff — Kaitlyn Wahila, Mo Ordnung, Anna Bottino Inspired by the new NFHCA member program, Circle Up, the Ithaca College coaching staff is sharing a popular warm-up drill from their program with you. The purpose of the drill is...
Pink Day Drill

The Shuttle

Submitted by Amy Cohen, West Chester University Every coach is always on the lookout for a warm-up drill that combines all of the good stuff — physical warm-up, technical skill refinement, constant engagement of all the players in the drill — and The Shuttle from Amy...