NFHCA Video Exchange

Home » About » Documents » Video Exchange Agreements

The NFHCA collegiate membership participates in an open film exchange program during the field hockey playing season. The Open Exchange is hosted by Spiideo.

Collegiate programs abide by a Film Exchange Agreement that is monitored and modified by the NFHCA Video Exchange and Technology Committee.

Reporting Infractions of Film Exchange Agreements?

  • To report infractions of the NFHCA Film Exchange Agreement, submit the “Film Exchange Infraction Submission” form through the NFHCA member portal. All violations will be reviewed by members of the Film Exchange & Technology Committee within 7 business days.

Learn more about the NFHCA Open Exchange as well as registration, new features, and pricing on Spiideo.

Spiideo Support

Get started with Spiideo here.  Video tutorials to help you and your staff started with the Spiideo Exchange.

Link above includes:

  • Recorded video tutorials for every subscription package
  • Features and functionalities included in packages
  • Additional information for logging in and accessing your Exchange account

Need sales assistance?

Need technical assistance?

  • Use the In-App Chat Support first or
  • In-App Chat Support, used for all customer incidents:
    • account administration
    • any product related issue
    • any camera system related issue
    • recommended one ticket per issue
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