Joker’s Wild

Joker’s Wild

Ignite possession and spark a numbers-up advantage. The Joker’s Wild. Objective: To possess the ball in a 4v4 setting and ignite the four Jokers to win Joker’s Wild with an 8v4. Set Up:  The drill size is about 25×25 or utilize the boundaries from the...
More Ways Than One

More Ways Than One

Sometimes it pays to dig in your parent’s basement when you’re home for the holidays. The final drill for the 2021 season comes to you from The Coach’s Collection of Field Hockey Drills published in 1982 and edited by Donna Fong! We’ve adapted...
4-2-1 Drill

4-2-1 Drill

4 Balls. 2 Shooters. 1 Goalkeeper. The 4-2-1 Drill. This exercise is great when time is tight and goalkeepers need to get ready to go live quickly. Or as a fast and fun way to wrap up a longer, technical goalkeeping session. No matter when you do it, you’ll be...
Mirror 1v1s

Mirror 1v1s

Mirror, mirror on the ball — who’s the fastest one of all? This week’s drill allows your team to work on attack and defensive one-on-one skills while emphasizing speed and decision making. Set up this simple drill and encourage your team to play fast and...
Field Hockey Rugby

Field Hockey Rugby

Need a midseason drill to get your team to think outside of the box? Well, this one is for you! Field Hockey Rugby is inspired by rugby’s most basic rule, that no player is allowed to throw the ball forward to a teammate. By putting this twist on field hockey,...