Turn the Tables

Turn the Tables

Time to turn the tables! Question: How many times during a game do your attackers have to play defense and your defenders have to keep possession?  Answer: All. The. Time. This drill “Turns the Table” on your players to put them in game-like scenarios that...
3v2 to 6v4

3v2 to 6v4

Shake up the 3v2! We’ve all asked ourselves, “How can I shake up this boring-old 3v2 drill?” Well, York College head coach, Katie Fost, has the answer. Her 3v2 to 6v4 drill is set up to put attackers and defenders in game-like situations while also...
Turn the Tables

Add a Defender

Possession, possession, possession It’s the key to dominating a game of field hockey. This Add a Defender drill will encourage your players to use their prevision, pass early and often, and understand the benefits of ball speed and ball control. Download [454.27...
S-Lead Shooting

S-Lead Shooting

Everything you want your attackers to do in one drill! We all want our attackers to lead off the ball, receive on the move, eliminate well and shoot quickly from the top of the circle — if there was only a drill to work on all of that at once…well, there is!...
Turn the Tables

4v2 Pressure/Cover

Use this drill to pressure your defenders into covering all attacking options. Yes, we do think we’re quite funny. But there’s nothing funny about good, solid defense and this drill will help your defenders practice the all-important principle of...