Utilize a numbers-up situation quickly. Offset 3v1 with GK. Goal: To utilize a numbers-up situation of quickly passing the ball and the defender uses takes and vision open to all players. Defenders move the ball quickly through the gate and goalkeepers work on...
To win a 1v1 on the outside of the field by entering the gate to join your teammate for a 2v2 to your goal cage. 1v1 to 2v2 to Goal Objective: To win a 1v1 on the outside of the field by entering the gate to join your teammate for a 2v2 to your goal cage. Set Up: The...
Break into the attack red zone on the move and quickly shoot and score. 3 vs. 3 Sneak Attack. Objective: To break into the attack red zone on the move and quickly shoot and score. Defenders are working to organize quickly and know when to step off their mark (in the...
Work in the attack red zone to play hard balls hit in from the outside of the circle. Smash the D. Objective: To work in the attack red zone to play hard balls hit in from the outside of the circle. Watch your teammate’s body and stick to best play a ball coming...
Work to get a ball high up the field and utilize baseline players. 4v4 Pushing Up Field. Objective: Attack with pace, decision-making surrounding risk of the play. Set Up: Size of the game is up to the coach. The size should accommodate 4 v 4 about a 25×20 yard...