What is your best advice for young coaches hoping to grow and make coaching their career?
Trust the process and trust yourself. It’s OK to make mistakes, but make sure to reach out when you need help or have questions.
Set a great example for your team and be willing to be humble and admit to your mistakes. You will grow and learn more quickly.
- Ask questions — you’re not supposed to already know everything.
- Set boundaries — this job is truly 24/7!
- Take care of yourself — hydrate, sleep, move, get fresh air, connect with people outside of coaching.
- Be a fan of your sport!
Put yourself out there; reach out to a fellow coach or mentor and pick their brain. Share ideas, love the game, and have fun!
Ask questions! Network! Go to as many clinics and get as much support and knowledge as you can.
Take care of yourself. Learn your values and honor them. Have grace for yourself and others. Be open to communication that challenges you…and make sure you rest.
Find a coaching mentor who can pour into you and always ask questions. We are all lifelong learners!
Thank you for your answers, coaches!
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Stay tuned for answers to our next question, “What was your first coaching job and what did it teach you?”