To get players warmed up and ready for practice. Basic stick passing and cutting skills to goal.

Warm up the stick.

NFHCA Field Hockey Drill of the Week, 4-2-1 Drill

Objective: To get players warmed up and ready for practice. Basic stick passing and cutting skills to goal.

Skill emphasis: Repetition passing and head-up connections with teammates.

Set Up: This drill is done utilizing half the field and can be mirrored going in the other direction to incorporate more players. Players will follow their pass and once the set is over one of the up-field forwards will exit and go to the end of the line (at 1).

The Drill:

  • The Coach (C) inserts a ball to player 1 who quickly receives and releases a pass to Player 2. While this is happening the up-field forwards player 3 and 4 are moving in the circle to make new space around the Defender (D).
  • Player 2 then tracks or feeds to one of the forwards (3 or 4) and they go 3 v1 to goal versus the defender (D) and the goalkeeper. This drill can be elevated by adding a second defender. When the defenders make a take they either have to decide to send the ball wide to the next player 2 on either side or find a seem to send a log ball up field. Player 2,3,4 are trying to score.
  • Repeat the drill from the right side of the field.