NFHCA Junior Hockey Award
Nomination and Selection Details
The NFHCA Hall of Fame Committee accepts nominations for the Junior Hockey Award every spring. Nominations are considered by the committee and recommendations are submitted to the Board of Directors for final approval.
Junior Hockey Award winners are presented with a trophy and a check — made out to their youth program — during the NFHCA Awards Dinner at the Annual Convention.
Winners’ names and titles appear as they were at the time they were presented with the Junior Hockey Award.

Shelley Pieklik
2024 Honoree
Shelley Pieklik, president of the Mt. Lebanon Field Hockey Association

Jaime Pollock & Brandy Michael
2024 Honoree
Co-directors of Lower Dauphin Youth Field Hockey, Co-founders of PA Revolution Field Hockey Club.

Emma Bozek
2023 Honoree
Owner & Club Director, Colorado Bears Field Hockey Club

Jim Emery
2022 Honoree

Sydney Supica
2021 Honoree

Jane DeGrenier
2020 Honoree

Kerri Withrow Valentine
2019 Honoree

Chrissy Summers
2018 Honoree

Lauren Cornthwaite
2017 Honoree

Vincent Collins
2016 Honoree

Donna Stephenson
2015 Honoree
Pine-Richland Youth Field Hockey

Meg Dudek
2014 Honoree

Angela Bolduc
2013 Honoree

Sydney Bowers
2012 Honoree

Kathy James
2011 Honoree
Denver Field Hockey Club

Kelly Vegliante
2010 Honoree

Starr Karl
2009 Honoree

Kent Harshman
2008 Honoree

Laurie Zeiders
2007 Honoree

Cathy Swartz
2006 Honoree

Deb Paduda
2005 Honoree
Youth Field Hockey in Madison, Connecticut

Kelly Yates
2004 Honoree

Linda & Steve Burghardt
2003 Honorees

Michelle Kilcomins Guinee
2001 Honoree

Bob Derr
2001 Honorees

Penny Calf
2001 Honoree