NFHCA Committees

Vital to the success of our association and our sport.

Get involved in the NFHCA by serving on one of our committees!

NFHCA Committees are comprised of members who contribute to the mission of the NFHCA and the quality of our programs. Serving on a committee is an excellent way to represent the perspective of the coaching community, guide the association in key areas, and give back to the sport of field hockey.

NFHCA Standing Committees are permanent and fall into two categories. Selection committees review nominations for various NFHCA awards and collectively select award recipients. Program committees provide input and contribute to particular initiatives and member programming in various areas.  Each committee is led by a Chair or Co-Chairs whose primary responsibilities are to provide leadership and direction for the committee’s charge, facilitate committee meetings, and maintain communication of the committee’s work with NFHCA staff and leadership.

Learn more about our committees below.

Standing Selection Committees


Oversees the process by which the NFHCA All-Region and All-American selections are made and announced at the collegiate and high school levels. This includes the comprehensive review of all nominations and the selection of deserving student-athletes with adherence to the NFHCA selection guidelines.  The expected time commitment annually includes 2-3 virtual meetings August – November as well as preparation and review time for selections.


Oversees the selection of select NFHCA awards and recognition programs and provides recommendations regarding certain awards criteria. The Awards Committee also assists with the coordination and execution of the celebration and recognition events for award honorees in collaboration with NFHCA staff. The expected time commitment annually includes 3-5 virtual meetings annually (February, April, November, December) as well as preparation and review time for selections.  Members of the Awards Committee are encouraged to attend the NFHCA Annual Convention to assist with the Coaches Appreciation & Awards event.

Collegiate Senior Team

Facilitates the selection of the NFHCA Collegiate Senior Team. The Senior Team Committee also provides recommendations for the recognition and celebration of these honorees in collaboration with NFHCA staff. The expected time commitment annually includes 2-3 virtual meetings August – November as well as preparation and review time for selections.

Hall of Fame

Facilitates the selection of the NFHCA Hall of Fame, Lifetime Achievement, and Junior Hockey Award recipients. The Hall of Fame Committee also assists in the planning and execution of the celebration for these honorees, in collaboration with NFHCA staff. The expected meeting times annually includes preparation and review time for selections as well as 2-4 virtual meetings in the spring and one virtual meeting in December.  Members of the Hall of Fame Committee are strongly encouraged to attend the NFHCA Annual Convention to assist with the NFHCA Hall of Fame Reception & Awards Dinner celebration.

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Standing Program Committees


Oversees the interpretation and amending of the NFHCA Bylaws. The expected time commitment annually includes 1-3 virtual meetings annually.

Coaches of Color Council

Serves and supports the coaches of color in our association. Meeting times vary throughout the year.


Assists the NFHCA staff with convention planning, content, speakers and event execution. The Convention Committee also provides on-site assistance throughout the convention and provides post-convention feedback to NFHCA staff. The expected time commitment annually includes 4-5 virtual meetings annually.  Members of the Convention Committee are expected to attend the NFHCA Annual Convention and assist with 3-4 hours of volunteer duties on site.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Enhances education and awareness, creates opportunity, facilitates growth and support for racial and ethnic minority groups, LGBTQ+ coaches, and NFHCA members with disabilities. The expected time commitment annually includes monthly virtual meetings, for an average of twelve virtual meetings per year.

NCAA Legislation

Meets by collegiate division as subcommittees. Each subcommittee facilitates discussion of NCAA issues, sport playing rules, and submits legislative proposals on behalf of membership and with collaboration and approval from NFHCA leadership. The DI, DII, and DIII Board Representatives serve as liaisons for their respective divisional committees. The expected time commitment annually includes 2-4 virtual meetings or as needed when legislative proposals arise.


A diverse committee with two members from each membership group and collegiate division as well as a member from the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and Black Coaches Council. The Nominating Committee serves to solicit nominations for the Board of Directors elections, review committee interest forms to fill committee vacancies, and select eligible members to serve on the various NFHCA committees. Committee vacancies are filled with a focus on creating a balanced, diverse, and inclusive committee rosters. The Nominating Committee is appointed by the Executive Committee and approved by the Board of Directors. The expected time commitment annually includes monthly virtual meetings, with an average of twelve meetings per year.  Additional time outside meetings will be spent on the evaluation of committee interest forms prior to each meeting.


Serves the scholastic membership group of the NFHCA and facilitates communication across regions with NFHCA leadership. This committee engages and supports the scholastic membership community, identifies opportunities to enhance the scholastic membership experience, and collaborates with NFHS and other governing bodies for the betterment of the sport and membership. The expected time commitment annually includes 5-6 virtual meetings annually, throughout the year.


Sport Development

Promotes retention and growth of the sport at all levels.  Specifically:

  • Scholastic level – identifying regions where field hockey is not sponsored, approaching districts and sports organizations to begin sponsorship.
  • Collegiate level – identifying conferences, addressing reasons to add, risk assessment of program elimination, addressing obstacles to adding or retaining the sport.
  • Management of the NFHCA Redwood Grant
  • USA Field Hockey – collaborate with the national governing body on initiatives to ‘grow the game.’

The expected time commitment annually includes 5-7 virtual meetings throughout the year.

Video Exchange & Technology

Oversees the NFHCA Video/Film Exchange program, Exchange infractions process, and other member-related technology matters. The expected time commitment annually includes an average of 7-10 meetings annually, throughout the year.

Ad Hoc Committees

Task Forces & Ad Hoc Committees

Special task forces or ad hoc committees may be created, as the need arises, to carry out specific tasks or initiatives, apart from the work of any Standing Committee. A majority vote of the Executive Committee is needed to form and disband ad hoc task forces and committees. These are generally temporary in nature and their assembly can range in time from months to a few years, depending on the task at hand.

Committee Charters

Committee Terms, Composition, & Purpose

Each standing committee has a charter that outlines their terms of service, member composition, and primary purpose. Also included in the charter are each committees’ key responsibilities and scope of authority.  Committee charters are kept on file with the NFHCA and made available to current committee members during their service.