Utilize a numbers-up situation quickly.
Offset 3v1 with GK.
Goal: To utilize a numbers-up situation of quickly passing the ball and the defender uses takes and vision open to all players. Defenders move the ball quickly through the gate and goalkeepers work on player-down communication.
Skill emphasis: Tight space-released shots and heads-up mentality to be aware of where the space is after a take.
- The defensive player in blue passes the ball to #1 attacker outside of the 25. Once the Attacker receives the Ball, the #2 attacker on the opposite side of the 25 sprints to their cone for a lead to the baseline. Attacker #1 passes the ball to #3 who begins playing a 3 v. 1 to goal.
- If the defense comes up with the ball they want to try and possess the ball and outlet it through the yellow gates.
- Attack is trying to score as many goals as possible in a 4-minute time-frame…minimal coaching during this time block.
- Also, we will only officiate blatant fouls and let advantage play on. The defense gets one point for a gate pass. Win the drill by having the most points at the end.